This is the next mirror puzzle completed. There are still some issues with it however it is doable as there are 2 ways of doing the puzzle but one way isn’t intended. You stand on a pressure plate which rotates a set of mirrors so the player must think what way the mirrors should go and what pressure plates to stand on in order to solve the puzzle. For now, it is difficult to see what way the mirrors are facing so when I create a model for them, it will be easier to see.
Here is a video showing off the puzzle in more detail.
This is the next puzzle in this area just after the mirror puzzle.
Hit the button with electricity, moves conveyor belt with block, turns off the barrier, turns on another barrier and then you hit the block off the button and then it turns off the barrier in front. Then make your way up out of the room.
Here is a video to show that puzzle off in better detail. One thing I need to change is the speed of the conveyor belt here as it is very slow.