About Me

I studied Games Development for 2 years at South Essex College of Further and Higher Education. Throughout college, I used a variety of programs that I gained experience in such as 3DS Max, Maya, Unreal Engine and Photoshop. At the same college, I studied BSc Games Design where I got a first-class honours. Whilst I was doing my degree, I learnt a lot more about Unity, C# Programming and Maya as well as working in teams and the whole production pipeline. In my spare time, I have learnt how to use Blender and some more Unity skills with a friend when developing projects. I know some programming languages such as C#, Python and C++ with knowledge in all 3 of them.

I want to achieve a better understanding of C# and Unity as I want to focus more on the programming side of Games Development as I find it more interesting. I would like to become a Game Designer/Developer or Programmer in the future, but if these were to be too hard to get into, I wouldn’t mind being a Level Designer instead.

I am developing my skills further by doing workshops and by learning through online tutorials to help my knowledge and understanding of the software and languages I need to learn.

Below are some programs that I have experience in:

  • 3DS Max
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Blender
  • Github
  • Maya
  • Mudbox
  • Substance Painter
  • Unity
  • Unreal Engine
  • ZBrush

Contact Details

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