University Year 3 – The Beacon

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Development Log Posts

Added Fences & Added Area 1 Colour Puzzle.

jakesimonsOct 26, 20221 min read

Here are the fences that I placed down. This was just the minor part that I worked on today as I focused a lot more time on the puzzle. This is the puzzle layout that I have so far. There…

Blockout Island & Experimenting with Post Processing.

jakesimonsOct 20, 20221 min read

Today, I started to blockout the island that you will travel across. These are fences that I am reusing from my old work for placeholders for now but I could use them for the final product as they already fit…

Pressure Plate Mechanics & Electricity Power

jakesimonsOct 4, 20221 min read

These are 2 pressure plate scripts that I created. One is for the lift which when you place a block or stand on the pressure plate, the lift will go up and once you step off/remove the block, it will…

Pickup Script & Blockout Area 1.

jakesimonsOct 3, 20221 min read

Here is a pickup script that when you press the E key, it picks and drops a block within a range of a certain distance using raycasts. I also added the ability to rotate objects using the R key. I…

Here is a video commentary on my game which goes over the mechanics and other stuff.

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