University Year 3 – The Beacon

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Development Log Posts

Changes To Lighting, Added Area 3 Puzzle 2, Fixed Invisible Wall, Made Pipe to Area 5, Fixed Checkpoints.

jakesimonsMar 7, 20231 min read

Here is the updated shader of the invisible wall. I was close with it when I last worked on it as all I had to do to get it to work was change a few values. This is the puzzle…

New Lighting, Added Dust Particles, New Shader.

jakesimonsMar 6, 20231 min read

Getting the lighting to work well is really hard and this is the best I have got it so far. It took all day to get the lighting to a point where it looks decent. I made a dust particle…

New Textures To Buildings. Light Generator Mechanic.

jakesimonsMar 3, 20231 min read

I made this new texture for the main buildings as I wanted to make them look more sci-fi. – Sci Fi Floor Tiles – Sci-Fi patterned floor These are the new textures in the game. I also fixed…

New Texture for Wall Pressure Plates. Respawn for Box in Area 2 Puzzle 3.

jakesimonsFeb 27, 20231 min read

I changed this model to a pressure plate which you now press with the electricity. This will also change in the conveyor belt room. This is the changed code which now works with the pressure plate so when it collides…

Lift & Wall Pusher Textured. New Generator Model for Area 2 Roof.

jakesimonsFeb 19, 20231 min read

These are the new textures for the lift. I used an emission texture so that once you or a block steps on a pressure plate, the lift lights up. These are the new textures for the wall pusher. Similarly to…

Added New SFX To Generators, Pressure Plates & Doors. Added Main Menu. Conveyor Belt Modelled and Textured. Added TV Screen.

jakesimonsFeb 15, 20235 min read

This is a simple main menu screen I created so far. This is the settings menu that I’ve made so far. It has 3 areas that you can select, ‘Game’, ‘Graphics’ and ‘Audio’. In ‘Game’, there is a slider for…

Here is a video commentary on my game which goes over the mechanics and other stuff.

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