New Models and Animations & Bug Fixes

I made a new layer for the player so in the settings of the electric particle, I made it so it collides with everything but that player layer.

I made a new model for the lift in Maya with two parts so that when I animate it, I can extend it like a piston.

Lift In Maya
Lift Animator

Below is a video of the lift animated.

For the wall pusher, I reused the same lift model but removed the handrail.

Below is an animation of the wall pusher animation and showing it can push the player.

I also made both of these assets a prefab so I will be able to use them wherever I want without having to redo the animations.

I edited the jetpack script so now you have to wait 0.3 seconds before you can use the jetpack, this also helps stop accidentally getting a lot more height than intended.

Jetpack Script
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