Added Fences & Added Area 1 Colour Puzzle.

Here are the fences that I placed down. This was just the minor part that I worked on today as I focused a lot more time on the puzzle.

This is the puzzle layout that I have so far. There are 4 switches that each can change a colour on the terminal. They do more than just one colour to add more challenge to it. So far it works but I might change some features of it to make it better as there are still a few tweaks that can be changed.

Here is the script for it so far. It’s not finished but it’s mostly complete. This script uses static variables so I can use the same script on multiple objects and they retain the same data. I made tags for each of the generators and made it so when you step in the trigger box of that specific one it would activate the colour.

Below is a video demonstration of how the colour puzzle works.

search previous next tag category expand menu location phone mail time cart zoom edit close