13th March 2022 – Minimap + Character

I added in my character with Mixamo animations that now work so the character now animates when he walks.

Here I’ve added a Boolean for when he walks, it turns on which enables the animation.

This is the character movement script. The heroMove and heroRotate are how the character moves. The movement animation is where I call the Boolean that I created and set it to true or false depending on whether the character is moving or not. The float “characterSpeed” is how fast the character walks in the game.

I made a camera and set the projection to orthographic to make it so it’s flat. Then placed it above the character as this will act as a minimap which will be displayed in the top right corner.

This is the minimap in the game. It’s more of a top down view as it shows a wider view of the area.

This is the code I wrote that will enable and disable the minimap and allows for the camera to rotate and follow the character correctly. So when the player presses the ‘I’ key, it will turn on and when they press it again, it will turn off.

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