I’ve managed to make it so you can now shoot while aiming. I also added an animation for aiming now which is called when you hold down the right mouse button which is labelled as “Fire2”.
I managed to create a much better camera system as you can now turn with your mouse instead of it only being tied to the keyboard.
I also added a jump, crouch and run button to the character movement with the corresponding animations as well.
I have made a simple damage system so for now as testing, I press the E button and the player will get hurt.
Inventory System
I created a placeholder inventory system which has 4 boxes as the protagonist has 4 pouches on himself so I thought it would be fitting if it followed the characters outfit.
I managed to make it so you can collect items on the floor. However, there are still some problems with it as I can’t figure out how to attach the control text to the prefab with the text being turned off.
For now, I have left that problem and have made it so you can pick up a gun and toggle it on and off in the menu.
This is the script for the gun turning on and off where I’m setting it active or not when you click on the button in the inventory.
This is the script for picking up items where it determines whether you can pick anymore items up in your inventory. So if the value of i became greater than the amount of slots that were occupied, it will not pick up that item.
Here is the inventory system in the game with placeholder images for now.