I made a new icon for the tablet which is shown here.
On the protagonist, I changed the drag values to 2 and 5 which stops the spinning when you collide with an object which was a problem I’ve had for a while.
This is a new bullet model that I made as the other one I had was a placeholder and needed to be changed. The top image is it in Maya and the bottom is it textured in Substance Painter.
I’ve now switched the old bullet prefab I had with the new one I just made.
This is the script for the enemy where he can shoot you when you get in his radius. I used a trigger on a sphere collider to determine that distance. I copied the same code I had for the players shooting for the enemy shooting.
I managed to make it so when you shoot, the bullet that gets fired now destroys after 4 seconds.
In the player health script, I added this in which makes it so the player now takes damage when you get hit by a bullet.
I made a new health bar icon for the UI as before, the health bar was just a block which when you took damage it went in a circular motion whereas now it depletes sideways.
I added a light and made the box collider larger on the tablet to make it easier to see and grab as before it was really awkward to grab it.
I added the enemyPatrol line on the enemy script so when the player enters the sphere collider of the enemy, it will stop his movement. I also added a delay timer on the enemies shots as before he was killing the player incredibly fast. However, the enemyPatrol is for some reason not turning off properly when the player enters the collider so this is something I will have to look into more.